Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Arizona Governor tells nike to go pound sand!

Finally a Governor standing up for what made our Country great. Tells Nike they are not welcome in Az. Why, because Nike created a shoe with the Flag by Betsy Ross, and colin kapernick had an issue because this flag was designed during the revolution war when slavery existed. Colin does not like the reference of the 13 starts representing the 13 colonies. Someone remind him that the 13 stripes on our current flag also represent the 13 original colonies.
What is finally evident is that colin originally did not stand for the Flag because he said he was protesting White Police officers shooting unarmed black people. Not the truth is told, colin does not like the Flag because it is the flag of the United States of America, and that if what colin hates.

Ducey blasts Nike for pulling 'Betsy Ross flag' shoe, vows to pull incentives for Arizona plant

Guess colin and Nike  have no issue with slavery in China where Nike manufactures their products in Slave like factories.

Nike Sweatshops in South East Asia

Colin and the left have a myopic view of our History. Yes slavery is a black mark on our country, a horrible time in the "growing" of a Nation.

Wide Angel View:  I do not believe any nation came to the colonies to fight against slavery.  Was it not the North, and White men, who gave their lives to fight for an injustice? Men, in part, of the thirteen colonies? So when I see the Betsy Ross Flag, it reminds me of a young nation of people who sacrificed their souls for the betterment of others. They gave their lives to free total strangers, and to right a horrible wrong.   But the left and colin see history with self inflicted myopic blindness.

Social justice pretenders - You'all are forgetting  that Betsy Ross was a Quaker.  Quakers were the  first religious group in America to speak out against slavery. 

Sunday, June 30, 2019

AOC flip flops on her beliefs of what she believes Christians to be....

How dishonest, AOC fist says we are a Right Wing theocracy, run by a King, than she attempts to tell us that Jesus is a Socialist.  Guess, anything will spew out of her mouth when she believe we hang on her every word.  We do NOT!

No, Jesus was not a socialist. We simply believe that the redistribution of wealth is to be voluntary, not involuntary. While liberals believe generosity is giving away other people's money, followers of Christ believe generosity is giving away our own money, motivated by compassion for the worthy poor.

Jesus Was Not a Socialist

Ocasio-Cortez Attempts To Pander To Christians Again, And It Blows Up In Her Face

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Put your hands into your own pockets, keep them out of mine.

Am I missing something here, did someone put a gun to these students head forcing them to go to college? I think Now. They should have made an informed decision to calculate how much a college education going to a college of their choice, was going to cost.  If they could not afford it, or pay back the debt in their life time, than they should not have gone to college.  Their bad decision is not my problem.
FYI, I paid back my college loans, when I dropped out of school, educated myself and make a darn
 good living.

The left has to stop faking people out promising them they will be taken care of from the cradle to the Grave, and teach people to take on their own responsibility.

Pavlich Tells AOC: Your College Debt Is Not My Responsibility

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Seems Liberal "leaders" will continue to do what they so desire and decide what is in the best interest of their constituents, instead of actually letting their constituents vote and decide for themselves.

When you do not do as ordered, the Liberal "leaders" will have you arrested.

Oregon Senator Doubles Down Against Out-of-Control Lib Governor: ‘Come Heavily Armed’
I'm confused by New York's governor Como's logic. He wants to give illegals driver's licenses so they can drive to work. But since it is against the law to hire an illegal how does that make sense? I guess if you are a liberal politician in NY, you do not have to make sense.

Como than says, it will allow them to create a database to track illegals. What a crook.  As soon as they show up for a driver's license, transport them to the border.

Come here legally, or  leave.

Some State Clerks Banding Together, Refuse To Issue Driver’s Licenses to Illegal Immigrants
Who are sanctuary Cities protecting? The Local government's first priority is to its citizens, period.

The evil Judges who release illegal criminals should lose their Judgeship, and  also be put behind bars so they do not put anyone else in Jeopardy.

I hope this poor lady sues the local government for all it has.

Illegal Convicted of Rape Ordered To Leave US… 3 Days Later He Paid a Gut-Wrenching Visit to Victim

Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Democrats Finally back pedal, admitting the Border Crisis is not manufactured

Why would the Democratic party rather see our country in jeopardy/crisis than give the other party credit for trying to fix an issue the Congress should have corrected years ago?

 Our President does NOT make laws, The congress does, and in fact, they passed all the Laws that have credited this crisis. They can fix it, as Obama, said with "I have a pen and a Phone".  Do your Jobs for the betterment of our Country and not your re-election.!

Democrats Rapidly Backtracking After Calling Border Situation a ‘Manufactured’ Crisis

Remember When Dems Called Border Crisis ‘Manufactured?’ Now They’re Preparing a $4.5 Billion Aid Package

More Fake news, as in an outright Lie!

For whatever reason, this so called Journalist, Lied", it is just more fake news in hopes of leading people astray.  More Fake News!... How is she still a Journalist, how can she have gotten something so obvious, wrong?  We know the answer...

Who has ever heard of Kasie Hunt?  No one. Now she is famous, the the Left Loves her

MSNBC host Kasie Hunt falsely claims Joe Biden's segregationist colleagues were Republicans

In Joe Biden's defends,  I do not believe he was saying he sides with segregation advocates, but rather that we would work with the worse of the worse to get get the job done. However it seems these Democratic Presidential candidates would eat their own children to get ahead in the polls. Is this the type of people we want to be running for president of the U.S.A.?

Herman Talmadge

James Eastland