Monday, September 30, 2019

They are giving President Trump the re-election in 2020, since they can not beat him in the polls, they resort to dirty, unethical tricks in an attempt to over throw our Government. They will Fail!

Keep the Faith... The Republican party has raised millions in a 24 hour period when this new attached was revealed. Follow the Money. The East and West Coast hate our President and it is more important to them to destroy America, than give our President any Credit. Look what our President has done already to MAGA, and he did that with total neglect from the Left. Just imagine what would have been done if our government actually worked together, and just did their best to win the next election. Since they are not focusing on Americans, but themselves, I believe they hate this country. Yes President's Trump's Days are numbered, he will be removed in January 2025

Listen to Hypocrite Schiff talking to whom he believes are Ukraine operatives to get "The dirt on Mr. Trump"..

GOP lawmaker digs up audio of Schiff telling prank callers he would accept Trump dirt from Ukraine

Adam Schiff  on the floor of the House telling out right LIES! He's not in a locker room BSing with comrades...

BREAKING! President Trump convicted of obstruction of the Democrat's socialist agenda for America!

Trump's Days are numbered. He will be removed from office in January 2025.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Democratic Party is “too radical to win a conventional election.”, so Impeach, Impeach, Impeach...

Tucker Carlson Says Dems Push Impeachment Because They're 'Too Radical To Win a Conventional Election'

"How do you know she's a witch?...somebody told me she's a witch!"

Graham says he has "zero problems" with Trump-Ukraine call

Where is the server? Did the FBI LOOK at the Clinton server? No, they were not allowed to . Who did? Crowdstrike! What was their agenda? to Frame Russia!

All this corruption begins and ends in Ukraine.
This is not just about the crooked Bidens.

All the Lying Main Stream Media is doing is indoctrinating the low-information voters with lies and Propaganda .

We the people all need to unite, bring to trail and get rid of the Deep state.

The President is the Whistle Blower! Stephen Miller vs Chris Wallace....

Is the Left serious about removing the President, or is a 2 week recess more important

Scalise: If Pelosi wanted Trump removed, why is Congress not in session?

Bill Maher BLASTS Rachel Maddow’s HYPOCRISY Over Biden and Ukraine!!!

He waves a red cape at them. They charge. He jerks it away. They look like idiots. And the process starts again.

This Speech by Trump was from 2016, but makes even more sense Today. Trump Knew or had a vision of the future.

This is more important today!

“What does white privilege really look like?”


Andrew Cuomo Says Pelosi Caved to 'Leftist' Democrats, Impeachment Going 'Nowhere'

Remember how Corey Lewandowski took the House to the cleaners? Here we go again... But this time Mr. Giuliani will do the spanking...

Rudy Giuliani Open To Testify Before House Regarding Ukraine

Democratic platform for 2020

Kill Babies, even after they are born. I had to include that because a Baby is a baby as soon as it is conceived 
Impeach every matter what
Open Borders - Democrats want Open Borders, which equates to violent crime, drugs and human trafficking.  Complain about a few million dollars  not going to Ukraine in a timely manner, but will not spend a ¢ to secure our Borders. Trump is only enforcing the Laws the House created! If they do not like the laws, change them. Who saaid "The Best way to have a law changed, is to Enforce it?" Do something besides Impeach, Impeach, Impeach!
Defund Military
Take Away Guns
Weaken Economy
Free Everything
Medicare for all...including ILLEGALS and other non-citizens, while out Vets wait up to 1- years for Medical aid,
Defend Illegal Aliens
Suppress Free Speech
Reparations for Slavery
Remove Electoral College
Who in their right mind would support this garbage?

It's finally happened: Now in our Country we do not get to face our accusers. If someone on the Left says "He did it" we are guilty!

Trump Lashes Out at 'Do Nothing Democrat Savages,' Calls Them Out by Name

“Wall Street Democratic donors warn the party: We’ll sit out, or back Trump, if you nominate Elizabeth Warren,”

Report: As Warren Closes Gap, Major Dem Donors Say They'd Rather Support Trump

Our Veterans have to wait up to 10 years for Medical Care, but the Left gives our tax dollars to non-citizens, or undocumented citizens. They are so clever with labels. NOT!

Dems Vote To Enhance Med Care for Illegals Now, Vote Down Vets Waiting 10 Years for Same Service

Dem Judge Apologizes After Sick and Classless Joke About GOP Texas Governor Being a Paraplegic

Friday, September 27, 2019

Russian Collusion didn't work, so the coup continues...

Transcript of Phone Call Between President Trump and President of Ukraine (Volodymyr Zelensky)

Guess What, President Trump followed the Letter of the Law when talking to the President of Ukraine...  There is Treaty Between the U.S.A and Ukraine...
My goodness. It was passed when Joe Biden was a member of the U.S. Senate and then signed by then-President Bill Clinton. A comprehensive treaty agreement that allows cooperation between both the United States and Ukraine in the investigation and prosecution of crimes. It appears President Trump was following the law to the letter when it comes to unearthing the long-standing corruption that has swirled in Ukraine and allegedly involves powerful Democrats like Joe Biden and others.

I don't know, well I do, the President can talk to any foreign country he/she so desires and if he/she believes a crime as been committed, he can ask for help, especially if the crime started in such and such a country. That is the right fs the President. Bin and his ego, talked on the record and on tape that he had the attorney in Ukraine FIRED,  and if the Attorney was not fired, Biden said Ukraine would not get,  I  Believe $1 billion in aid from the United States. Is the Quid Pro Quo? No, not if you are a democrat!

Does this sound familiar: Salem witch trials
DOH! Did You Know There’s a Treaty Between the USA & Ukraine Regarding Cooperation For Prosecuting Crimes?

Watch Joe Biden Brag About Bribing Ukraine To Fire The Prosecutor Investigating His Son’s Company

CrowdStrike part in 2016 election scandal and Why President Trump want to investigate.

What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google

It was not long ago the Democrats wanted to know all there was to know about the 2016 Elections.  Now the Democrats want to stop any investigation that will make public their true intent to overthrow a Duly Elected President of the U.S.A just because he is NOT one of them... (Add whatever reason you so desire)

Here is Adam Schiff totally ignoring what is actually in the Phone Call Transcript, lying to fit his agenda that he has the goods on President Trump and thus Impeach, Impeach, Impeach...
Adam Schiff  on the floor of the House telling out right LIES! He's not in a locker room BSing with comrades...

Adam Schiff’s Versions Of Events Are Frequently False Or Missing Key Details

Garbage in below video starts at 4:14

Soros Linked to Whistleblower Report - Former US Attorney Finds Proof Buried in Footnotes

Adam Schiff and Democrats are Twisting Words to Smear Trump

Adam Schiff and Democrats are twisting words to smear Trump

Adam Schiff and Democrats are Twisting Words to Smear Trump

“We were promised a Hollywood-style, smoking gun quid pro quo. But after the transcript was released, the whistleblower complaint came out, and the House Intelligence Committee grilled acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire, leaving most people with glazed-over expressions, wondering what the big deal is,” Jenna Ellis Rives writes in the Washington Examiner.

Yesterday, “Chairman Adam Schiff attempted to play word games with Maguire in an effort to manipulate the situation and paint the intelligence community and the White House as covering up something really, really bad that President Trump must have done.”

“So why the manipulation? Because the Democrats know their case is weak. Their only hope lies in trying to twist legal terminology for their political advantage.”

Click here to read more.
“The formal complaint from an anti-Trump ‘whistleblower’ alleging various crimes by President Donald Trump is riddled with third-hand gossip and outright falsehoods,” Sean Davis writes in The Federalist. “Rather than provide direct evidence that was witnessed or obtained firsthand by the complainant, the document instead combines gossip from various anonymous individuals, public media reports, and blatant misstatements of fact and law in service of a narrative that is directly contradicted by underlying facts. A footnote in the document even boasts about its use of ‘ample open-source information.’”
“House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) performed an entirely made-up conversation between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during his opening statement at a committee hearing Thursday morning,” Kristina Wong reports for Breitbart News. “The White House released a transcript of a phone call between Trump and Zelensky on Wednesday, but Schiff made up and fabricated his own transcript that he read at the hearing, which sought to create the quid pro quo that Democrats have accused the president of making.”
Rather than getting entangled in an impeachment battle, Congress should move to approve a new trade pact with Mexico and Canada, the USMCA, The Detroit Newseditorial board writes. “The window appears to be narrowing for getting anything productive done in Washington, but this is one piece of business that is essential to maintaining America's decade-long prosperity streak. It should get top priority.”
“Palestinians are among the largest recipients of donor assistance per capita in the world today. Yet despite decades of work, billions of dollars, euros, shekels, and dinars donated, life continues to get worse,” U.S. Special Representative for International Negotiations Jason Greenblatt writes in Fox News. “Hamas has driven Gaza to a state of utter desperation. With unemployment at nearly 50 percent (the highest in the world), Hamas’ decade-long experiment in governance is an utter failure.” Greenblatt adds that “donor countries must ask themselves why they should keep struggling to raise money when everyone can plainly see the Hamas regime and the Palestinian Authority are squandering the opportunities that donor money provides for a better future for all Palestinians.”

Our Country has been taken over by the UNELECTED!

The manchurian canditates have been awoken!  Our Country is in Jeporady.

Tucker Carlson: Trump-Ukraine lesson - Intel agencies want to be government and make elections meaningless

Have you ever noticed how the left directs the focus away from their crimes, by falsely accussing someone else of the exact same crime?

"This is so absurd, why is this being allowed to continue. This has been the biggest show of SERIOUS TREASON from the Senior Politicians in Congress and the Senate ever. And is an embarrassment for all of us AMERICANS.

Our President elect., President Donald J. Trump, has an outstanding record of accomplishments, has kept more of his campaign promises than any other President to my knowledge. He has done more right things for America moving us forward as a country, He has struggled to do everything possible to bring all Americans back together and making America great again. And has had to fight with the Democrats every step of the way, all without complaining and griping

And President Trumnp cares more about us it seems than anyone of the Democrats. And most importantly he is our President Elected, and nobody is asking us the people who elected him, What we want done. I beliueve the Polls indicated the "people" do not want Impeachment!

So why has this not brung even one person up on the serious charge of out right Treason against our President, and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! and our way of life?
I will tell you why it hasn't, IT IS BECAUSE THE DEMOCRATIC party by acting this way ever since our President took office in 2016 have DIVIDED our COUNTRY, we are no longer UNITED.

Something needs to be done. And not to president Trump, But to the Pot stirrers Pelosi and Schumer, the Speaker of the House and Senate. They need to be held to the Highest Standards and actually Represent US the People and not themselves..."

Media Lies: Why Are They Covering for Hunter Biden?

Polling Shows if Dems Impeach Trump, They Could Face Massive Election Day Backlash

So typical of the Left, if the Truth does not fit their agenda, make up stuff....

The biggest problem, with these Lies, it the Left's Baase, only hears the Lies and since most are Low-information-voters, they never hear the truth when the Left if caught in their lies, because the Main Stream Media only reports on the Lies, never the retractions.

Wake up America!

House Intel Chair Schiff Fabricates Trump Quotes During Hearing, Later Calls It 'Parody'

Remember, it depends on "what the definition of "is" is? Now....

NYT Figure Scolds Conservative for Attacking Biden's 'Child,' but Remember How the Left Treats Barron?

Why The Repoublicans HAVE to regain Control of the House

Do you all realize, if the Left suceeds with Impeachment of President Trump, they will not stop, they will than Impeach Vice President Pence? Guess who becomes President... The Speaker of the House, Ms Pelosi.

OK, the odds are very slim, the Republicans stillcontrol the Senate where a 67 vote count is needed to find the President and Vice Presisdent guilty or what ever "Trumped" up charges the Left uses to succeed in the coup of our Government.

But, strangers things have happened. Who whould have thought the Left would have ever gotten as far as they already have?


Schiff Accuses Trump of Risking US Security by Delaying Ukraine Aid, but Obama Denied Lethal Weapons Altogether

It Took 40 years, but now they have to be stopped

The Democrats have had 40+ year to build a corrupt government, some of them are steal there. 40 years no check or balances so you can just see how that could come about. Republicans should have been the check and Balance put the people didn’t give them chance, they voted for "Free Stuff". Just look at the states that have been run by demacrates for 40 years what a mess. Those citizens have been rip off for all them years, they have zero improvements in their standard of Living. Now the hole country is being destroyed by radicals that hate this country. Your freedom is flying out the window. The people who are in congress are not for the people, they lied abiout everything just to get your vote and gain more power. The Left has their own agenda not that of the people. They betrayed our Country. The Left are radicals that hate this country!

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Immigration Crimes

Immigration Crimes Account for 95% of Increased Federal Arrests over Last 20 Years

Just something else to think about instead of "words"

To those of  my Friends who do not like nor will not vote for Trump because of his "Words" and Tweets.  
To all  others that support our President, just something to maybe pass along.

Have any of you seen the Series "House", with the antisocial, obnoxious,  maverick Doctor, who everyone comes to when it just needs to be done.."?  No bed-side manner, but, he sure does get the Job done...

Do you see how "our" President will do whatever it takes  to solve our Nations issues?  Even when all the odds are against him, including so-called members of his own party...

I was watching Last Man Standing this evening and there was a scene where a solder got off her chair and than we notice that she had lost both of her legs.  I choked up, as I know a few of these awesome Veterans

And just this one issue our Nation has,  came to mind:. IG Report: 300,000 Veterans Died While Waiting for Health Care at VA  < Click on the link for the details.

Here is what has been done by the man disliked because of "Words"

This is just one issue, I can list so many ore, but than I would be just like CNN, MSNBC and all the other Main Stream Media outlets, spoon feeding you 
and not acknowledging that you all have the ability to know the truth by digging just a little on your own, than making up your own minds, 
based on Actual Facts and Reality, and not just feelings with  "Words".  

What's that old says "Actions Speak Louder than Words"

Just a thought, Not a sermon..

Be Well and God Bless


On Sun, Sep 15, 2019 at 12:27 PM Derek Coelho <> wrote:
Thank you my friend. 
The occupant of the White House has degraded the office and set the bar so low for future officials that I wonder what we'll see next. 
His Republican allies have shielded him from all criticism and blocked all legislation in the Senate because they say he has changed his mind multiple times on every issue. He has been for universal background checks before he backed off because of pressure from the NRA despite  the carnage from guns in our cities. Republicans say they will not vote on anything until he gives them assurances in writing because THEY don't trust him at all. He LOVES chaos and distractions. 
Think about how the conservative or religious groups would have reacted if black President Obama had done any of the outrageous, immoral behavior that this man has. They would have been ALL OVER HIM.

Hi Michael,
I know you like Trump but he has told over 12,000 lies in the time he's been in the White House. He has paid off two prostitutes to shut them up before the  campaign, using campaign funds. These immoral actions are as "anti-life" as any other. I hope you know and understand that there's MUCH more to being "Pro-Life" than just saying you are. The man is immoral. Look at the nepotism. Do you see how his entire family and properties are financially benefiting from his office!
I'd like to come and visit you for a week in Florida, after you move to "The Villages" so I can check out that part of Florida.
I want to move close to the water but my lovely wife wants us to stay close to Cincinnati till the three grandchildren who live there are older (teenagers?)
So we're here to stay for a few years. Who ever thought I'd be stuck in Ohio? But God has a great sense of humor and maybe my Independent vote will help tip the balance? It also gives us time to do research and decide where we can move, (IF we're still alive in 7 years!!) ðŸ˜ŽðŸ˜Š
God bless you,

Hi Derek

Ah, I see the rub. I never said I like Trump, that's just a matter of one’s opinions, I try to look at the entire picture. I'm not sure any Democrat Presidential Candidates can walk on water. 

I focus on ignoring his word and focusing in on what he has done for our Country, the email pointed to just a sample. As in the benefits of the VA, and requested us to look at other criteria beside the words of CNN and MSNBC

As for his "sins". I believe Moses was a murder, David sent an innocent man to his death so he could have an adulterous affair with that man's wife.  I know you can address others in the Bible of not perfect souls that God used for good.

I am a sinner also, and other people's sins are not for me to Judge. You know we focus on the plank in our own eye and not the speck in another's eye.

There is evidence that our Country is doing very well, low unemployment for all, for the minorities, the lowest in History. Your 401K is flourishing, GDP is good and steady, we now are an energy exporting country and not an importer. We got out of the lopped sided Iran nuclear deal (Which was not a treaty, just a document the last President penned, without going through Congress) ,  the USMCA agreement is much better than NAFTA ever was. China has taken advantage of us with trade, and stealing intellectual property for a very long time. Yes, the current Tariffs are hurting some, but in the long run, the potential for improvements with China trade is good/great...  Over 150 Conservations Judges have been appointed to the Lower courts. The Supreme Court is now more conservative than before. The US placed it embassy in Jerusalem. That might be a sore point for you, but the past Presidents said they were going to do this, but never did.  He tries to do what he Says.   
Our President does not make laws. That is the responsibility of our House and Senators, and unless they actual place a Bill on a President’s desk and that President vetoes that Bill, than no one can really complain that the President is not passing laws.  If the Gain of his cohorts was a reality, many laws would have been passed by now., Yes I do feel for others that are not as fortunate as us, but the immigration laws in existence today, were passed by whom? Not a trick question. They were all passed by Congress, so if the House today does not like that the existing Laws are finally being enforced, they should propose new Laws, instead of just complaining for the sake of pandering to one’s base for votes.  Oh, and those picture of children in cages. They are pictures from the last President. The current President did not create those crates, nor did the current President create the laws as to how long a family can be separated. He was just attempting to get the congress to pass better laws, by enforcing Laws they claim they do not like. I forget who said this, but it goes like this “The best way to change a current Law that one does not like, is to Enforce it: But it seems evident that this congress will not give this current President any credit.
What is the agenda of the current Democrat candidates?  When asked how many would give Free Health care to all illegal immigrants, every one raised their Hand. We are not a Socialist Country, but that is the obvious agenda of the Democrats.  OK, that is their opinion, and that will be settled in the voting booths.

As for our President being "shielded from all criticism.  The stats show that CNN and MSNBC are over 95% negative of our President.
And the Russia Collusion? Well the democrats will just not accept the findings and will continue with more “investigations” to maybe just raise more money from their base to foster in their minds that they are doing everything they can to remove a sitting president.  Impeachment use to be for Crimes, now the libel media has even said it has become a political weapon.

As for tolerance of the Democrat party, which they say they are.  Fran gave me a Hat from a Deli in New York, it happens to be Red, do you want to know how many times I have been verbally abused and once almost attacked because this is the same color of the MAGA hats, and these Liberal in Columbia are hypocrites. You know the one that have the “Civility’ bumper Stickers, 

And Yes, I am Pro-Life, An adjective, “The radical Idea and Babies are people” 

I can continue if you like…..  But these are just my thoughts and I hope you know from experience I try not to Judge anyone, least I be Judged…

Be Well and God Bless
